Programmed temperature controller PR-04

We offer specialized programmable heating controller PR-04 to equip your furnace by state-of-the-art control technology based on the microprocessor (investment ring firing, details heat hardening, crystals growth etc.)
  • Simplicity of the control
  • Programmable for any thermal cycle
  • High performance reliability
  • Great functionalities at relatively low price
  • Convenient 2-row LCD, allowing choosing of interface language (ukrainian, russian, english)
  • Programmable temperature levels of object ventilation controll (on/off)
  • Logging of muffle operation at various tempera
Main Specifications
Power supply of the regulator power unit, V 220/380
Heating rate, °C/min from 0.1 to 30
Number of phases 1-3
Nominal output current per phase, A 15
Temperature adjustment range with thermoelectric converter TXA or TPP, °C 30 - 1100 or 30 - 1300
Power supply, V; Hz 220, 50
Device dimensions, mm: height, width, depth 70, 100, 170
Weight of the regulator, kg, not more than 1
Number of independent programs 30
Number of heating sections in each program 1-9
Section temperature, °C 5-1300
Section holding time, hours 0-100
Storage of programmed information during power outage, years, not less than 10
Preheating delay (delay timer), hours 0-100